Prayers for UkraineChristians united in serving Jesus Christ in our community.
Prayer is the heartbeat of the Christian church. Click on this link to the 24-7 Prayer website which has many resources for praying:
Prayers for Ukraine
Prayers for the Coronavirus pandemic
For more on Prayer follow this link.
Welcome and discover how the churches in Chepstow are sharing and working together.
Prayers in Chepstow for Ukraine
Click on the line above for details.
CAP Debt Centre
Chepstow Churches Together run and support the Chepstow & District Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre, and we would love to help you if you are worried about debt. You may think your situation is impossible, but there is hope. Our friendly team will give you a listening ear in confidential appointments usually in your home and provide a practical solution to your debts.
Read more by clicking this link:
CAP Money Course
Are you in control of your money?
Whether we like it or not, money affects almost every aspect of our lives. Regardless of how much or little money we have, all of us can struggle to manage it. The CAP Money course will help you to organise your finances, how to build a budget and live on it.
Read more by clicking here:
Chepstow Foodbank
Chepstow Foodbank is part of a national network of foodbanks. We are one of over 300 foodbanks providing emergency food to people in crisis nationwide.
13 million people live below the poverty line in the UK. Our foodbank provides a minimum of 3 days emergency food and support to local people in crisis.
Read more by clicking here:
Life with it's ups and downs happens to us all and never more so than now.
If you have questions about life and what difference Christianity makes, then coming on an Alpha Course could be for you.
Read more about Alpha locally by clicking this link: Alpha course
Read more about the Alpha course itself by clicking this link:
Christian Aid
Christian Aid, is a charity providing aid worldwide. Our local fundraising events have been suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic but donations can always be made online by clicking the link below.
Website: Christian Aid
